Apaurin Diazepam

Apaurin Diazepam
Salud, 712 veces leido

Apaurin general information.
Apaurin is a very popular version of the brand name medication known as valium. The drug belongs to the class of medications called benzodiazepines. 

How does apaurin work? What will it do for me?
Apaurin is used for the relief of symptoms of excessive anxiety or alcohol withdrawal (such as agitation).
It is also used for the reduction of muscle spasms and severe anxiety problems.
It works by slowing down the nerves in the brain (the central nervous system).

How should I use this medication?
The recommended dose of valium for adults ranges from 2 mg to 10 mg. It should be taken two to four times daily. For children older than six months, the initial dose usually ranges from 1 mg to 2.5 mg three or four times daily. It is important the dose is individualized to your specific needs. This is to avoid excessive sedation or motor impairment.

Who should NOT take this medication?
Valium should not be taken by anyone who is suffering from the conditions below.

Is allergic to diazepam or any other benzodiazepines.
Is allergic to any ingredients of this medication.
Has myasthenia gravis.
Has severe breathing problems.
Has sleep apnea.
Has acute narrow-angle glaucoma.
Has liver disease.


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